Writing the Wrongs
In October 2022, Crave Arts and The Everyman Theatre Cheltenham joined forces to run a creative writing day in Worcester Cathedral. The aim was to create an opportunity for people to reflect on our turbulent times and to find hope and reconciliation through writing.
10 people attended the day, which included a tour of the Cathedral to inspire and guide their thinking and approach.
'This has been fantastic - inspiring and motivating - thank you!'
'The tour was great for inspiration. Really enjoyed writing to a theme'
'Such a great opportunity - hope there are more courses like this'
Thanks to Worcestershire County Councillors Matthew Jenkins and Lynn Denham for supporting the day with their divisional funds.
Download our Evaluation Report.
KGV Living Room
Crave Arts and Mark Riley Creative-States
had a great morning at Worcester Community Trust's KGV Community Hub in Brickfields in February 2023. Local people enjoyed making artwork with clay, craft, paint and creative writing exercises, all on the theme of what makes a warm and inviting place
On the Verge
Crave Arts worked with Worcester Theatres to deliver a theatre making course over ten weeks. Each week, 10 participants learned about writing for the theatre as well as directing, designing and producing. All of them developed ten-minute performance pieces which were performed as part of the Worcester Fringe Festival on Thursday 28th July 2022
Community Living Room
Between January and June 2022, Crave Arts delivered 'Community Living Room' as part of The National Lottery Community Fund's Places Called Home initiative, funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and IKEA.
We delivered workshops to women at Worcester Community Trust and Eastern Europeans at LikeU and converted an empty shop in the Crowngate Centre for our Living Room exhibition.
'I enjoyed writing about home, it made me realise how far I have come'
'I learned that others have been through similar things as me. It felt very powerful talking about our experiences' '
'If you have chance to participate in similar project - just do it!'
Download our Evaluation Report.
Loan Sharks
In 2021/22, Crave Arts were funded by Stop Loan Sharks and the South Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership to deliver a project to raise awareness of the dangers of loan sharks with vulnerable people.
Did you know?
Loan sharks can be anyone, even people you know.
They may offer no paperwork, intimidate you and threaten family members.
Help is available through Stop Loan Sharks
We delivered drama and visual arts workshops to Worcester Community Trust, Regency High School, Ourside Youth Centre and Malvern Cube, and performed 'The Cash Back Show' at Crowngate Shopping Centre.
Download our Evaluation Report.
If you wish to bring a Loan Sharks workshop to your clients, pupils or team, please contact us for prices.
From Whisper To Voice
Between June 2021 and January 2022, Crave Arts delivered 'From Whisper to Voice', a project which aimed to:
Seek out unheard stories and talent from diverse voices
Provide support and showcasing opportunities for emerging writers/performers
Build new audiences who engage and return
Use artistic means to create new narratives of Worcester.
Funded by The Elmley Foundation, Worcester City Council and Worcester Theatres, we held 17 workshops with 39 participants and delivered live performance to 90 attendees.
'I was very surprised with my abilities to write and express my thoughts, feelings, emotions through poetry’
‘My knowledge of directing and how to work with actors has been improved through this process. Really great opportunity and really enjoyed it. Would love to work as a director for Crave Arts again in the future’.
Download our Evaluation Report.
Is This Love?
In 2020, Crave Arts were funded by Worcester Theatres as part of their Cultural Recovery programme to provide online workshops and performance on the theme of Love for Valentines Day, 2021.
We ran an online workshop about how to structure plays. Participants each developed a ten minute play with our support. These were then performed online by actors.
Following this, four of the plays were further developed as part of our Whisper to Voice programme.